£ 111.82
Asylum 13 Toro Gordo Single Cigar, Nicaragua
Artisan Nicaraguan Gordo Maduro, Nicaragua
Long Live The King Marquis Single Cigar, Dominican
Oliva Serie V Double Toro Single Cigar, Nicaragua
Delight in the Gordo Size Cigar Sampler, a bespoke collection for the discerning smoker. Each cigar, meticulously hand-rolled, embodies craftsmanship and tradition. This sampler presents an array of robust and full-bodied flavours, capturing the essence of premium tobacco.
Exquisite Selection
The sampler includes five Gordo-size cigars, each distinct in character. The flavours range from earthy notes to hints of spice and chocolate, ensuring a sophisticated smoking experience. These cigars, with their 60-ring gauge, offer a slow, satisfying burn.
Ideal for Special Occasions
This collection, curated with care, serves as the perfect gift for aficionados. Whether celebrating a milestone or enjoying a quiet evening, the Gordo Size Cigar Sampler enhances these moments. Its elegant packaging reflects the quality within, making it a memorable present.
Unparalleled Quality
Our commitment to excellence is evident in every cigar. The leaves, sourced from renowned regions, undergo a rigorous selection process. Aging the tobacco to perfection, our experts craft cigars that resonate with quality and tradition.
Experience the Difference
The Gordo Size Cigar Sampler is more than a collection of cigars; it’s an invitation to savour life’s finer aspects. Indulge in this exceptional assortment and discover the nuances that make each cigar unique. Elevate your smoking experience with this exquisite sampler.
Cigar Samplers |
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