Established in 2019, The Cigar Holder embodies a rich heritage and meticulous craftsmanship, creating luxury leather cigar cases for discerning enthusiasts worldwide. Inspired by the timeless traditions of Cuban hand-rolled cigars, our brand is dedicated to producing premium, durable cigar cases that perfectly blend elegance and functionality.
The Cigar Holder cases are a testament to our commitment to quality, crafted by a team of highly skilled British artisans using the finest Tuscan Vegetable-Tanned Leather. This dedication to excellence is further underscored by our affiliation with @Pelle Conciata al Vegetale in Toscana.
More than just products, our Cigar Travel Cases are sustainable investments that mature beautifully over time.
Each cases comes with a unique warranty card, providing certification of authenticity and traceability, aligning your luxurious lifestyle with responsible choices.
Finished with Swiss Riri zips, our collection transcends mere accessories to become the quintessential companions for any cigar aficionado.
Experience the exceptional service and attention to detail that define The Cigar Holder, where style, tradition, and sustainability elegantly converge.