£ 18.33
Only 1 left in stock
Crafted with precision and care, Backwoods Authentic Original Cigars stand as the pinnacle of natural cigar excellence. Their globally recognized position as the leading all-natural cigar is a testament to their unique attributes, appealing to a wide range of cigar enthusiasts.
Backwoods cigars captivate with their distinctive style, a blend of simplicity and ruggedness that mirrors the essence of the great outdoors. Each cigar measures approximately 4.5 inches in length, offering a compact yet satisfying experience. The ring gauge, at an approximate 32, strikes the perfect balance between size and flavour intensity.
The taste of Backwoods Authentic Original Cigars is unparalleled, offering a rich, full-bodied experience. This exquisite flavour profile results from a meticulous selection of natural ingredients, ensuring each puff delivers a consistent and memorable taste. The aroma further enhances the experience, enveloping the senses with its inviting and warm notes, reminiscent of a natural, untouched wilderness.
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