£ 44.73
Cuaba Divinos, Cuba
Custom Rolled Nicaraguan Robusto, Nicaragua
Larutan Dirt Drew Estate Cigar, Nicaragua
Nub Cameroon 358 Single Cigar, Nicaragua
Davidoff Winston Churchill Petit Panetela, Dominican Republic
V CIgar Cutter
Discover the epitome of sophistication with our Best Man Cigar Sampler. This collection has been meticulously curated to provide an unmatched smoking experience. Ideal for aficionados and novices alike, each cigar in the sampler is a testament to our commitment to quality and elegance.
Unparalleled Variety
The sampler boasts a range of flavours and strengths, ensuring a delightful journey through the world of premium cigars. Included are selections from renowned cigar-producing regions, each offering its unique character. This variety caters to individual preferences, making the sampler a perfect gift or a personal indulgence.
Craftsmanship and Quality
Each cigar in the Best Man Cigar Sampler is a masterpiece of craftsmanship. From the careful selection of leaves to the precise rolling technique, every step is taken with the utmost attention to detail. The cigars are stored under optimal conditions, guaranteeing their impeccable condition upon arrival.
An Experience to Savour
The smoking experience offered by our sampler is unparalleled. The cigars deliver a smooth, satisfying draw with a balanced blend of flavours and aromas. The construction ensures an even burn, allowing for a leisurely and enjoyable smoke.
Cigar Samplers | |
Box Option | Pack of 5 |
For online orders to UK addresses, VAT is applied. For orders to non UK addresses, 20% VAT is not applicable.
Enjoy free delivery on order of £50 or more. Deliveries will take two to three days to arrive. If you change your mind about your order or purchase, you have 14 days from the day of delivery to return your order.
Enjoy free same-day delivery when you spend £80.
Benoit R. (verified owner) –
Wonderful selection of quality cigars.
Gilles C. (verified owner) –
Over all good every day smoke nothing great but also nothing horrible. Great for the price if you are in the market for a good every day smoke.
Vio (verified owner) –
qood quality thanks
Ron (verified owner) –
Good selection, super fast same-day delivery.
Danny (verified owner) –
interesting sampler and good value for money
Jeff (verified owner) –
Enjoy the diversity of this sampler, from smooth to spicy.
Thomas D. (verified owner) –
Received in a timely manner, smokes in great shape.
Ronald (verified owner) –
good sampler