£ 54.58
Casa Turrent Cuba
Casa Turrent Miami
San Andres
Ceramic Cigar Rest
Indulge in the Casa Turrent Origins Sampler, a curated collection of fine cigars. Each cigar, crafted with precision, offers a unique smoking experience. The Casa Turrent Origins Sampler is a testament to tradition and innovation.
Casa Turrent Cuba: A Taste of Heritage The Casa Turrent Cuba stands out with its robust flavours and rich aroma. Grown in fertile soils, these cigars embody a legacy of excellence. Savour the complexity of Cuban-inspired craftsmanship in every draw.
Casa Turrent Miami: A Modern Twist Experience the contemporary charm of the Casa Turrent Miami. Blended with premium tobaccos, it delivers a smooth, yet intense flavour profile. This cigar is a nod to modern trends while honouring classic methods.
San Andres: The Heart of Quality The San Andres cigars in this sampler highlight the renowned tobacco region. Known for its deep, earthy tones, each cigar reflects the area’s unique terroir. San Andres cigars are a must-try for enthusiasts seeking depth in taste.
Nicaragua: A Bold Adventure Nicaraguan cigars are famed for their boldness. In this sampler, they offer a full-bodied experience. The rich, volcanic soil of Nicaragua lends these cigars a distinctive character that’s both spicy and smooth.
Ceramic Cigar Rest: The Perfect Companion Complete your cigar experience with the included Ceramic Cigar Rest. Its elegant design not only adds to the aesthetic but also ensures practicality. This rest is a stylish way to savour each cigar at your leisure.
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MARTIN S. (verified owner) –
This are very impressive cigars. Great look, wonderful flavour. Probably one of my 1st choices.
James (verified owner) –
This is a very impressive cigar sampler. Great look, wonderful flavours. Probably one of my 1st choices.
Andrew E. (verified owner) –
very good smokes
Travis R. (verified owner) –
A surprisingly fantastic sampler. Definitely a must try!