£ 53.42
Grand Architect Corojo Robusto Cigar
Fellow Craft Robusto Cigar
Master Mason Robusto Cigar
ntroducing the Hiram and Solomon Cigar Sampler, a premier selection for aficionados. This carefully curated set includes three of the most esteemed cigars from the renowned Hiram and Solomon brand. Each cigar, meticulously handcrafted in Nicaragua by the esteemed Plasencia Cigars, embodies the pinnacle of quality and craftsmanship.
Renowned for utilising well-aged tobaccos, Hiram and Solomon’s cigars are celebrated for their rich flavours and remarkable balance. The Hiram and Solomon Cigar Sampler presents a unique opportunity to experience the essence of their craftsmanship. The cigars, each named after terms familiar to the Freemasons, offer a nod to tradition and history, adding depth and character to your smoking experience.
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Enjoy free delivery on order of £50 or more. Deliveries will take two to three days to arrive. If you change your mind about your order or purchase, you have 14 days from the day of delivery to return your order.
Enjoy free same-day delivery when you spend £80.
Tony C. (verified owner) –
I have nothing but praise for this sampler from presentation, quality and delivery.