£ 49.13
Number 6 Robusto Rocky Patel
20th Anniversary Rothschild Rocky Patel
Psyko 7 Natural Robusto
The Cigar Holder Cigar V Cutter
The Cigar Holder Ceramic Rest
Embark on a luxurious journey with our New World Cigar Sampler. This exclusive collection brings together the finest cigars, each meticulously crafted to provide an unparalleled smoking experience. Hand-selected from the world’s most renowned regions, these cigars showcase the artistry and tradition of cigar making.
Our sampler boasts a range of flavors and profiles. From the robust, full-bodied blends to the smooth, subtle notes, there’s a cigar to suit every palate. Each cigar is a testament to the diverse landscapes and climates that nurture these exceptional tobaccos. Their unique characteristics are not only a delight for connoisseurs but also an inviting exploration for newcomers.
Quality is at the heart of our sampler. The cigars are made with only the finest, carefully aged tobaccos. Their construction is impeccable, ensuring an even burn and consistent flavor from start to finish. The wrappers, rich in color and texture, add to the overall sensory pleasure.
Whether it’s a celebration, a quiet moment of reflection, or a gift for a discerning friend, the New World Cigar Sampler is a perfect choice. Its elegant presentation and the exceptional quality of the cigars make it a memorable and appreciated offering.
Each puff of these cigars is a step into the history and tradition of cigar making. With the New World Cigar Sampler, you are not just enjoying a cigar; you’re experiencing a culture, a tradition, and a passion for excellence. Indulge in this journey and savor the rich, complex flavors that only the New World Cigar Sampler can offer.
Dimensions | 26 × 26 × 12 cm |
Cigar Samplers |
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