Cohiba Robusto Cigar
Home » Blog » About Cigars » Cohiba Robusto Cigar – A Legendary Blend

The Cohiba brand, synonymous with luxury and quality in the cigar world, didn’t exist before Cuba’s Revolution. But its journey to fame began unexpectedly. In 1963, Bienvenido Perez, known as ‘Chico’, and the chief of Fidel Castro’s bodyguards, introduced Castro to a unique fuma made by his friend Eduardo Rivera. Castro was immediately taken by the cigar, marking the beginning of what would become the legendary Cohiba Robusto Cigar.

Initially, these cigars, unnamed and wrapped in bands bearing VIPs’ names, were exclusive diplomatic gifts. By 1964, a dedicated factory in a converted country club was established to meet the growing demand for these special cigars. It was in 1966 when Eduardo Rivera’s assistant, Celia Sanchez, coined the term “Cohiba,” echoing what the indigenous people called cigars during Columbus’s time.

The Cohiba Robusto Cigar, now produced in the historic El Laguito Factory, a splendid mansion from the 1920s, has evolved in design and recognition. Despite being named in 1966, the Cohiba brand only acquired its distinct design in 1969, undergoing several refinements over the years.

Cohiba Robusto Cigar Specifications:

  • Length: 4 7/8″
  • Ring Gauge: 50
  • Strength: Medium-full
  • Smoking Time: 45 minutes
  • Origin: Cuba

Tasting Notes: The Cohiba Robusto Cigar offers a complex symphony of flavors. Oak wood, slivered almonds, and vanilla notes intertwine, growing in intensity and harmony. It’s a balanced, full-flavoured cigar, offering the perfect resistance in each draw.

In conclusion, the Cohiba Robusto Cigar is not just a cigar; it’s a piece of history. It represents a blend of tradition, luxury, and exquisite craftsmanship, making it a must-try for any cigar aficionado. Its rich history, combined with its distinctive flavor profile, ensures that each smoke is an unforgettable experience.

For those inspired to delve deeper into the world of premium cigars, discover The Cigar Holder’s varied collection. Our range caters to both newcomers and seasoned aficionados. Explore cost-effective sampler packs, perfect for those beginning their cigar journey, and immerse yourself in the world of luxury with our high-end leather cigar cases. Each case is a testament to premium craftsmanship, handcrafted in Britain using the finest Italian leather, epitomizing the essence of luxury in every stitch.

In addition to these exquisite cases, The Cigar Holder also offers a variety of affordable cigar accessories. Tailored to meet the needs of every cigar enthusiast, our range is synonymous with quality and value. Whether you’re looking for the perfect gift or to elevate your own cigar experience, The Cigar Holder is your top choice for all cigar essentials.

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