Since 1961, the Camacho cigar brand has been synonymous with exceptional quality, beginning with Simon Camacho’s pioneering efforts in Miami’s first cigar factory. The Camacho Ecuador Robusto, launched in 2014, epitomizes this legacy with its exquisite blend and complex flavours, making it a must-try for cigar enthusiasts.
The journey of the Camacho Ecuador Robusto is steeped in history. After Simon Camacho’s passing, the Eiroa family in Honduras took over in 1995, maintaining the brand’s esteemed reputation. In 2008, Davidoff further elevated the brand, ensuring continued excellence in production and distribution.
Crafted with an innovative mix of Ecuador Havana wrapper, Brazilian Mata Fina binder, Dominican Pelo de Oro Ligero filler, and high-priming Honduran tobaccos, the Camacho Ecuador Robusto stands out in both taste and quality. The Ecuadorian leaf, grown in the nutrient-rich soil of the Andes, brings a distinctive color, texture, and aroma to this cigar.
- Length: 5 inches
- Ring Gauge: 50
- Strength: Medium to full
- Wrapper: Ecuador, Mexico
- Binder: Brazil
- Filler: Nicaragua, Honduras, Mexico
- Origin: Honduras
The Camacho Ecuador Robusto is more than just a cigar; it’s an experience. It starts with an invigorating blast of pepper, followed by a cascade of complex flavors that captivate your senses. This cigar is not just a choice, but an exploration into the depth of premium tobacco craftsmanship.
Ready to elevate your cigar experience? Shop the Camacho Ecuador Robusto Cigar now at The Cigar Holder – your destination for the finest cigars, samplers, accessories, and exquisite British handcrafted leather cases.
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