Pre-Revolution History
Cuaba, a brand steeped in the richness of Cuban cigar history, was non-existent before the Revolution. Its inception marks a significant revival in the world of Figurado cigars.
Post-Revolution History
Specialising in Figurado cigars, Cuaba has resurrected a style once adored in the roaring Twenties. These cigars, characterised by their unique shapes, experienced a decline in popularity, becoming nearly obsolete by the 1970s. In 1996, Habanos S.A. embarked on a journey to rejuvenate these historical treasures, introducing Cuaba as its newest brand since Cohiba in 1982. The grand launch, held on 19th November 1996 at London’s prestigious Claridge’s Hotel, featured Francisco Linares, then President of Habanos S.A., and master roller Carlos Izquierdo Gonzalez demonstrating the art of rolling perfecto-shaped cigars.
In its early days, Cuaba cigars were distinctive for their varied shapes, crafted without moulds. This artisanal approach rendered the initial batches highly collectible. However, within a year, specialised moulds were introduced, standardising the shape across four sizes. These original, mould-free cigars have since become prized collectibles.
Expanding beyond the UK, Cuaba began its global journey, exporting its unique offerings to cigar enthusiasts worldwide. The brand’s name, Cuaba, is a nod to the wooden torches used by the Taino Indians, a tradition still alive in rural Cuba.
Characteristics of Cuaba Cigars
Produced in the Briono Montoto factory, known for Romeo y Julieta cigars, Cuaba offers a taste profile similar yet distinctly milder. Of the initial four sizes, the Divinos stands out as the strongest. As a brand with a relatively young history, only 17 years since its first batch, Cuaba’s legacy in the world of Cuban cigars is still unfolding.
Delving into Cuaba cigars or other premium selections? Discover The Cigar Holder’s varied collection. Our range includes cost-effective sampler packs, ideal for newcomers, and exquisite, high-end leather cigar cases. Each cigar case is a testament to premium craftsmanship, handcrafted in Britain using the finest Italian leather, epitomizing luxury. Complementing these high-end cases, our range also includes a variety of affordable cigar accessories, tailored to meet the needs of every cigar enthusiast. The Cigar Holder is synonymous with quality and value, your top choice for all cigar essentials. Explore our selection today for the perfect mix of luxury and affordability.
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