Edmonton cigar service
Home » Blog » Cigars Same-Day Delivery Zones » Where to Buy Cigars in Edmonton

Hello everyone! We’re thrilled to share that we’ve broadened our same-day cigar delivery service to encompass more locations, now featuring Edmonton. Whether you’re located in the city centre or further afield, we promise to deliver your favourite cigars directly to your door on the same day.

Please note, our same-day delivery is contingent on orders being placed before a specific cut-off time. To find out the deadline for your location, do get in touch with us.

We take pride in offering a diverse selection of premium cigars, ranging from mild to medium, and full-bodied options. These come from some of the most renowned brands in the business.

Recognising that our customers have busy schedules, we’re dedicated to simplifying the process for you to indulge in your preferred cigars. It’s this commitment that’s led us to extend our delivery zones, allowing you more leisure time for activities you adore.

So, if you’re keen to treat yourself to some top-quality cigars and relish the perk of same-day delivery, please check if we now cater to your locale. We eagerly await the opportunity to serve you!

And a little bonus – subscribe to our mailing list to receive a 10% discount on your first order.

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