Hello everyone! We’re thrilled to share that our cigar delivery service, available on the same day, has now reached Epping. Whether you’re right in the city centre or a bit further out, we’ll bring your top-choice cigars directly to your door on the same day.
To make use of our same-day service, ensure you place your order before the given cutoff time. For details on the exact time, please get in touch with us.
Moreover, our selection boasts a fantastic range of premium cigars. Whether you prefer mild, medium, or full-bodied flavours, you’re bound to find something from the industry’s most renowned brands.
We recognise that our patrons are often on a tight schedule. To cater to your busy lives, we’ve broadened our delivery service to cover more regions. This way, you have more time to enjoy the things you cherish.
So, if you’re on the hunt for top-quality cigars and fancy the perk of same-day delivery, do check with us to confirm if we cater to your locale. We’re eager to serve you!
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