The Growing Need for Effective Cigar Storage: In the UK, the love for cigars has led to a surge in demand for superior storage solutions. Boveda Humidifiers present an unmatched method that not only ensures your cigars are well-preserved but also aged to perfection. With the Boveda Cigar Care approach, enthusiasts can be confident that their collection will remain pristine.
A Leap Ahead of Traditional Methods: Many humidifiers do their job, but Boveda goes further. Each of their packets mixes clean water and natural salts. These are kept safe inside a modern “reverse osmosis” skin. This design can change humidity levels in a sealed box. By either letting out or taking in water vapour, it keeps cigars safe and stops sudden humidity changes.
Boveda’s Unique Selling Point: What makes Boveda different is the pure humidity they give. They keep the right RH level with great care and purity. This makes Boveda a top pick for those who really care about cigars.
Picking Your Boveda Pack: The size and kind of your box matter when choosing a Boveda pack. Here’s a quick tip: For wood boxes, one pack works for every 25 cigars. For plastic boxes, one pack is good for 50 cigars.
If you’re thinking about getting a Boveda for your cigars, why wait? Shop Boveda now.
84 | FOR SEASONING | 0-2 | 2+ |
75 | 71-75% | 75 | 3+ |
72 | 68-72% | 100 | 4+ |
69 | 65-69% | 150 | 6+ |
65 | 61-65% | 200 | 8+ |
62 | 57-62% | 250 | 10+ |
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