Sheffield cigar delivery
Home » Blog » The Cigar Holder News » Where to Buy Cigars in Sheffield

Hello, everyone! We’re thrilled to share that from June onwards, we’ve expanded our same-day cigar delivery to even more locations, including Sheffield. Whether you’re in the city centre or a bit further out, we’ll ensure your chosen cigars arrive at your door on the same day.

To benefit from our same-day service, just place your order before our daily cut-off time. If you’re unsure of this time for your area, do check with us.

We boast an impressive selection of premium cigars, ranging from mild to full-bodied, all sourced from the industry’s most respected brands. We know life can be hectic, so we’re determined to make enjoying your preferred cigars as straightforward as possible. That’s whyat The Cigar Holder we’ve broadened our same-day delivery reach. So, if you’re after some top-notch cigars and appreciate the convenience of same-day delivery, see if we cater to your location. We’re eager to serve you!

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