The Cigar Holder Ltd. is excited to announce the Sierra Maestra leather cigar case’s debut in prestigious locations. Among them are Cavendish No. 6 Sampling Lounge and Davidoff of London. Launching in 2022, this case represents a fusion of luxury and practicality. It showcases the skill of Britain’s finest artisans, Italian leather excellence, and a Swiss Riri zipper.
Craftsmanship and Design: A Closer Look: The Sierra Maestra Cigar Case is more than a cigar holder; it’s a symbol of sophistication. Designed to cater to the tastes of discerning aficionados, the Sierra Maestra leather cigar case presents:
- A sturdy central pouch, reinforced with a leather-wrapped metal guardian. It comfortably accommodates either 4 large cigars or 6 smaller ones.
- Three elegantly designed pockets with magnetic tabs, perfect for storing accessories such as lighters, cutters, and various personal items.
- A discreetly placed pocket for cards, coupled with a versatile band designed specifically for a cigar rest.
- A generously sized middle sleeve, ideal for accommodating either tools or pens.
- The entire case is elegantly finished with a Swiss RIRI zipper, a mark of unmatched quality and craftsmanship.
Sustainable Luxury: The Tuscan Vegetable-Tanned Leather: Our cigar travel case is made from eco-friendly Tuscan Vegetable-Tanned Leather. This material is free from harmful substances like azo-dyes and chrome VI. Each case comes with a warranty card. This card confirms the leather’s authenticity, eco-friendly tanning process, and its traceability.
The Trademarked Guarantee Certificate
Your Choice Reflects Your Values: Choosing the Sierra Maestra cigar case means selecting an accessory that mirrors your lifestyle. It’s not just a purchase; it’s an investment in style and environmental responsibility.
Step into a world of elegance and responsibility with the Sierra Maestra – Shop Here.
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